Whistleblower function

As a company within Ernströmgruppen, it is important for us to ensure that all our employees work in a safe, secure, fair and transparent environment. We therefore encourage employees, customers, suppliers, business partners and other stakeholders to report suspected misconduct or suspected wrongdoing to our whistleblower function.

Together with Whistleblowing Solutions AB, Ernströmgruppen has implemented a whistleblowing function (Whistlelink), where anonymous whistleblowing reports can be submitted.

At ernstromgruppen.whistlelink.com you will find all relevant information on how to report and how the case will be handled. It is up to you how much information you want to provide and you are guaranteed anonymity throughout the process. The link can also be accessed via Ernströmgruppen’s website. All incoming cases are handled immediately by Whistleblowing Solutions, which acts as the external recipient for Ernströmgruppen’s whistleblowing function.

All reports receive a unique case number and a verification code. These details will be used to submit additional information or receive feedback on the case, which will be done within 90 days of receipt. Whistleblowing Solutions will carry out an initial assessment of the case to determine whether it is of such a nature that it can be handled by the whistleblowing function.

As mentioned earlier, all reports are treated confidentially and the whistleblower remains completely anonymous throughout the process.

Want to report a wrongdoing?